
Lockerbie Medical Practice
Victoria Gardens,
DG11 2BJ
Opening Hours
Monday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Non-urgent advice: Extended Access & Out of Hours

If you need urgent advice or medical attention:

– Between 18:00 and 08:00 on a weekday;

– At the weekend;

– During a Public Holiday.

Call an NHS24 Call Centre on 111 (free number)

D&G Out of Hours service should only be used to provide medical management for conditions that require urgent attention (illnesses experienced which require attention before your own GP Practice opens, but are not serious enough for a 999 call or attendance at The Emergency Department). 

The D&G Out of Hours services should not be used to provide treatment for routine, recurrent or non-urgent medical conditions or to issue repeat prescriptions

The Primary Care Centre can only take referrals from NHS24. Please do not attend without telephoning NHS24 for an appointment.

When You Call NHS24

A call handler will ask you a series of questions and you will be advised what to do next.

It is important to note that the nurses you speak to in NHS24 and the doctors/nurses that you see in the centre will not be your usual GP Surgery team and will not have access to your GP’s medical notes.

If your responses indicate that you need help from the Out of Hours Service, your details will be sent electronically to the local Dumfries and Galloway Out of Hours Service (D&G OOH).

A team member from D&G OOH (Doctor, Nurse, Paramedic or Pharmacist) may call you back to discuss the problem in detail.

You may be advised in one of the following ways:

– Self-management advice over the phone. This may include advice to visit a community pharmacy.

– Attend the Primary Care Centres based at the Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary via Emergency Dept.

– A Home visit from one of the OOH Team Members (This is for Housebound patients only).

– Occasionally the OOH Team Member may feel that the problem requires urgent admission to hospital and will arrange for an emergency ambulance to attend.

If you are given telephone advice and later feel your condition has worsened, then you should call 111 again. Your condition will be reassessed

Other Ways to Get Help

Consider speaking to your community pharmacist first. The pharmacist can provide assistance with any medication-related issues, for example, if you have run out of your repeat prescription.

The community pharmacist can also provide advice and, if appropriate, treatment for many minor ailments, which may be free of charge.

Common Minor Ailments include: 

– Allergies

– Pain 

– Constipation

– Diarrhoea        

– Skin Conditions

– Earache             

– Eye Infections       

– Indigestion           

– Thrush              

– Sore Throats / Coughs

– Urinary tract infections

Help On The WEB

NHS inform is Scotland’s leading digital health and care information service, providing a source of reliable, quality-assured information across a growing range of channels including online, telephone, webchat and social media.

A new self-help guide, fully aligned with NHS 24’s 111 out of hours service, enable people to manage their own symptoms across a range of conditions.

Access this via