For the first seven days of any period of illness, self certification is appropriate.
If your period of illness lasts more than seven days, in order that a medical certificate may be issued, you will be required to attend a consultation with one of the doctors.
If you are on long term certification, a continuation of the certificate can be arranged over the telephone. With this arrangement, you will be required to attend for review appointments which will be detailed by the doctor signing the certificate.
A self certificate (SC2) form can be obtained from reception or can be printed via
HGV Medicals
Patients who need an appointment for an HGV/PSV/driving medical are reminded to bring the form and a specimen of urine along with them to the appointment.
There is a fee of £90 to be paid to the surgery before an appointment will be made.
When phoning for an appointment it is important to inform the receptionist that the appointment is for a driving medical. This ensures you are given an extended appointment with an appropriate clinician.
We will also ask you for an up-to-date telephone number. We will text you the day before to remind you of your appointment.
We only accept cash or cheque payments. Please ensure cheques are made payable to Dumfries and Galloway Health Board.