By arrangement with your doctor, you may obtain repeat prescriptions by leaving a message on our repeat prescription line, ordering online via patient access or by handing in your repeat prescription slip.

Repeat Prescription Line
The telephone number is 01576 205504 which is a 24/7 voicemail service.
An answering machine will take your message and we require you to leave the following details:
- Name;
- Date of Birth;
- Address;
- Contact Number;
- Medication;
- Nominated Chemist .
Only order prescriptions when you are on the last week of supply. We will not issue prescriptions that are being ordered early (unless you are going on holiday).
Order Repeat Medication Online
Patient Access allows you to order you Repeat Medication online.
Please contact the surgery to be issued with an access code to set up your account and then click on the link below to complete the registration form.
Once registered use the link below to order your medication.